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'The best Python IDE. And I have tried them all!'-- Ahmed Ali

This is a minimalist guide for getting started quickly with Wing Pro. For a morein-depth introduction, try the Tutorial.

Wing Pro is a light-weight yet powerful integrated development environment that wasdesigned from the ground up for Python. Once you're up to speed with Wing you should findthat:

  • Wing speeds up your development of new code
  • Wing makes it easier to understand and work with existing code
  • Wing reveals errors earlier in the development process
  • Wing makes it easier to find and fix bugs
  • Wing adapts to your needs and style

This is made possible through deep code analysis (both static and runtime), a focuson interactive development in the live runtime, high-level editing operations andrefactoring, continuous early error detection, support for test-driven development,powerful always-on debugger, seamless support for remote development, and extremeconfigurability.

Let's get started with Wing Pro!

Install Python

If you don't already have Python on your system, install it now. Two good options are:

  • Obtain the standard Python distribution from
  • Use Anaconda for seamless access to many third partyPython libraries. See Anaconda package lists for a list of the availablelibraries.

See Supported Python Versions for otheroptions.

Install Wing

If you don't already have Wing installed, download it now. For detailed installation instructions, seeInstalling Wing.

Start Wing

Wing can be launched from the start menu on Windows, by double clicking on the applicationon OS X, or with wing7.2 on Linux. In Wing Personal the executable isinstead named wing-personal7.2 and in Wing 101 it isnamed wing-101-7.2.

For more information, see Running Wing.

Wing Pro requires a license to run. If you don't have a license, you can obtain a 30-daytrial the first time you start it. Wing Personal and Wing 101 are free to run withouta license.

Once Wing is running, you should switch to using the QuickStartGuide listed inWing's Help menu because it contains links directly into the IDE's functionality.That copy also omits features not available in your selected product level.

Set up a Project

After Wing is running, create a new project from the Project menu. If you want tocreate a new virtualenv to use with your project, select the CreateNewVirtualenvproject type, enter the name and parent directory for the new virtualenv, and selectthe base Python interpreter to use.

Alternatively, if you don't want to create a new virtualenv, select EmptyPythonProject project type. Then configure your project with the following steps:

  • Use AddExistingDirectory in the Project menu to add your sources to theproject. It's best to constrain this to the directories you are actively working withand let Wing find the libraries you use through the PythonPath.
  • Use ProjectProperties in the Project menu to set PythonExecutable to thepython.exe or other interpreter executable you want to use with your project. IfPython is not on the PATH, set this to the the full path that is insys.executable in the desired Python installation.
  • If your code alters sys.path or loads modules in a non-standard way then you mayneed to set PythonPath in ProjectProperties so that Wing can find yourmodules for auto-completion, refactoring, debugging, testing, and other features.
  • You may want to right-click on your main entry point in the Project tool and selectSetAsMainEntryPoint so that debugging always starts there.
  • Use SaveProjectAs in the Project menu to save your project to disk.

See Project-Wide Properties and Per-FileProperties for a description of all availableproperties.

Notice that Wing also offers other project types in the NewProject dialog,includingremote project types for connecting to a remote host via SSH,accessing a Vagrant instance, or working with WindowsSubsystem for Linux, anda project type for each of the frameworks, tools, and libraries listed inHow-Tos.

Wing may consume significant CPU time when it first analyzes your code base. Progress isindicated in the lower left of the IDE window. Once this is done, the results are cachedacross sessions and Wing should run with a snappy and responsive interface. See SourceCode Analysis to learn how Wing's source analysissystem works.

Wing 101 does not have projects. Configuring the Python environment is insteaddone with ConfigurePython in the Edit menu.

Basic Configuration

You are now ready to start working with code, but may want to make a fewconfiguration changes first:

Display Colors - The User Interface > Color Palette preference chooses thecolors used in the editor or the whole user interface if the User Interface > Use ColorPalette Throughout the UI preference isenabled.

Key Bindings - Wing can emulate VI/Vim, Visual Studio, Emacs, Eclipse, XCode, MATLAB,and Brief editors, as selected from KeyboardPersonality in the Edit menu or withthe User Interface > Keyboard > Personality preference.

Tab Key - The default tab key action depends on the selected keyboard personality andin some cases file type, context, and whether or not there is a selection in the editor.This can be changed from the User Interface > Keyboard > Tab Key Action preference.

Completion Keys - By default, the auto-completer uses the Tab key for completion,but other keys can be added using the Editor > Auto-completion > Completion Keys preference.

There are many other options in Preferences.

Navigating Code

Wing Pro provides a number of different ways to navigate the structure of yourcode, and several methods for quickly finding symbols or files by name:

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Source Index menus at the top of the editor provide quick access to other parts of asource file.

Goto-definition is available from the Source menu, and by right-clicking onsymbols in theeditor, Python Shell and Debug Console.Use the forward/back history buttons at the top left of the editor to return from thepoint of definition.

Find Points of Use in Wing Pro's Source menu shows where the current symbol isbeing used. This distinguishes between separate but like-named symbols.

Find Symbol in the Source menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal jumps to a symboldefined in the current file when you type a fragment of its name.

Find Symbol in Project in the Source menu in Wing Pro works the same way butsearches all files in the project.

Open From Project in the File menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides asimilar interface for quickly opening project files.

See Navigating Source for details on the above.

Source Browser in the Tools menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides module orclass oriented display of the structure of your code. Details

Source Assistant in the Tools menu shows detailed information about symbolsselected in the editor, auto-completer, Source Browser,Python Shell, Project,and other tools. Details


Script Debugger 7 0 101 Dalmatians

Wing Pro provides several different interfaces for searching your code. Which youuse depends on what you want to search and how you prefer to interact with the search andreplace functionality:

Toolbar search is a quick way to search the current file. Details

Search in the Tools menu shows the Search tool, which provides incremental text, wildcard,and regular expression search and replace in selections and the current file ordocumentation page. Details

Mini-search in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides powerful keyboard-driven searchand replace. The key bindings listed in the Mini-search area of the Edit menudisplay the search entry area at the bottom of the window. Details

Search in Files in the Tools menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal shows theSearch in Files tool, which provides wildcardand regular expression search and replace in filtered sets of files, directories, namedfile sets, and within the project and documentation. Chaotica 2 0 23 percent. Details.

Editing Code

Wing Pro's editor is designed to speed up the process of writing and modifyingPython code, and to reduce the incidence of coding errors. Its features include:

Auto-completion in Wing'seditor, Python Shell and Debug Consolespeeds up typing and reduces coding errors. The auto-completer uses Tab by default forcompletion, but this can be changed in the Editor > Auto-completion > Completion Keys preference. Thisfeature is disabled by default in Wing 101. Details

Auto-indent in Wing Pro and Wing Personal matches the file's existing indentation.When multiple lines are pasted, they are re-indented according to context. A singleUndo reverts an unwanted indentation change. A selected range of code may bere-indented as a block using Indentation in the Source menu or the indentationtoolbar group. The Indentation tool may be used to converta whole file's indentation style. Details

Auto-Editing in Wing Pro implements a range of operations such as auto-enteringclosing parentheses, brackets, braces, and quotes. Among other things, Wing alsoauto-enters invocation arguments, manages new blocks with the : key, and correctsout-of-order typing. Auto-editing operations can be enabled and disabled in the Editor >Auto-editingpreferences group. The default set includes those operations that don't affect fingermemory. The others are well worth learning. Details

Refactoring operations in Wing Pro, accessed from the Refactoring menu, implementautomated renaming and moving of symbols, creating functions or methods out of existingcode, and introducing variables much more quickly than by manually editing code. Details

Multiple Selections can be made with MultipleSelections in the Edit menu, themultiple selections toolbar item, and by pressing Ctrl+Alt (or Command+Option onOS X) while making a selection with the mouse. Once multiple selections have been made,edits made will be applied to all the selections at once. Details

Code Warnings are shown in Wing Pro for syntax errors, indentation problems,unreachable code, use of undefined variables and attributes, unresolvable imports, andsome other problems. External checkers like pylint, pep8, and mypy may also be configuredas sources for the code warnings. Warnings are shown on the editor with details shownin a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the warning indicator. Warnings can be navigatedfrom the warnings menu in the top right of the editor and managed from the Code Warnings tool. Details

Snippets in Wing Pro are included in Wing's auto-completer as a quick way to entercommonly repeated patterns for coding standards, documentation, testing, and so forth.Data entry for snippet arguments is inline in the editor. Use the Tab key to movebetween the fields. Edit or add snippets in the Snippetstool. Details

Turbo Completion in Wing Pro is an optional auto-completion mode for Python, madepossible by Wing's powerful source analysis engine. When the Editor > Auto-completion >Python Turbo Modepreference is enabled, Wing turns every non-symbol key into a completion key in contextswhere a new symbol name is not being typed. Details

Quick Selection operations in the Edit>Select menu allow selecting wholestatements, blocks, or scopes before copying, editing, or searching through them. Details

Debugging Code

Wing's debugger is a powerful tool for finding and fixing bugs, understanding unfamiliarcode, and writing new code interactively. You can launch code from the Debug menu ortoolbar, from the Python Shell, or from outside of the IDEeither on the same machine or onanother host.

Breakpoints can be set by clicking on the breakpointmargin to the left of the editor. Stepping operations are inthe Debug menu and toolbar.

The Stack Data tool is used to inspect or changeprogram data.Right-click on items to display the item as an array or in textual form.Hovering the mouse over a symbol in the editor shows the valuefor that symbol in a tooltip, if available on the active debug stack.Pressing Shift-Space shows tooltips for all symbols visible in the editor.

Debug process I/O is shown in the Debug I/O tool, oroptionally in an external console. Bulk rename utility portable.

Other debugger features include:

Interactive Debugging is supported by Wing Pro's Debug Console, which provides a Python prompt that executes code inthe current debug stack frame. When the debugger is paused, Wing also uses the liveruntime state to populate the auto-completer in the editor, Source Assistant, goto-definition, and other tools. Details

Conditional Breakpoints can be used in Wing Pro to isolate and understand complex bugsby stopping before they occur. Using a conditional breakpoint to isolate a broken case andthe Debug Console to design a fix is far more productivethan relaunching code repeatedly. Details

Move Program Counter is supported by Wing Pro, by right-clicking in the editor andselecting MoveProgramCounterHere. Because of how Python is implemented, thisfeature works only in the innermost stack frame and it does not work when the debugger isstopped on an exception.

Watching Values in Wing Pro by right-clicking on the editor or any of the data viewstracks values over time by symbolic name or object reference in the Watch tool. Expressions can be also be watched.Details

Launch Configurations in the Project menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personaldefine different runtime environments for debugging, executing, and unit testing yourcode. Details.

Named Entry Points in the Debug menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provide a wayto launch the same file with different debug environments. Details

Other Features

Wing Pro includes a number of other features designed to make Python codingeasier and more productive:

Python Shell -- Wing's Python Shell lets you tryout code in an independent sandbox process. To enable debugging, click the bug icon in thetop right of the PythonShell.In Wing Pro and Wing Personal, the shell provides auto-completion, goto-definition, and isintegrated with the Source Assistant.Details


Source Index menus at the top of the editor provide quick access to other parts of asource file.

Goto-definition is available from the Source menu, and by right-clicking onsymbols in theeditor, Python Shell and Debug Console.Use the forward/back history buttons at the top left of the editor to return from thepoint of definition.

Find Points of Use in Wing Pro's Source menu shows where the current symbol isbeing used. This distinguishes between separate but like-named symbols.

Find Symbol in the Source menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal jumps to a symboldefined in the current file when you type a fragment of its name.

Find Symbol in Project in the Source menu in Wing Pro works the same way butsearches all files in the project.

Open From Project in the File menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides asimilar interface for quickly opening project files.

See Navigating Source for details on the above.

Source Browser in the Tools menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides module orclass oriented display of the structure of your code. Details

Source Assistant in the Tools menu shows detailed information about symbolsselected in the editor, auto-completer, Source Browser,Python Shell, Project,and other tools. Details


Script Debugger 7 0 101 Dalmatians

Wing Pro provides several different interfaces for searching your code. Which youuse depends on what you want to search and how you prefer to interact with the search andreplace functionality:

Toolbar search is a quick way to search the current file. Details

Search in the Tools menu shows the Search tool, which provides incremental text, wildcard,and regular expression search and replace in selections and the current file ordocumentation page. Details

Mini-search in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provides powerful keyboard-driven searchand replace. The key bindings listed in the Mini-search area of the Edit menudisplay the search entry area at the bottom of the window. Details

Search in Files in the Tools menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal shows theSearch in Files tool, which provides wildcardand regular expression search and replace in filtered sets of files, directories, namedfile sets, and within the project and documentation. Chaotica 2 0 23 percent. Details.

Editing Code

Wing Pro's editor is designed to speed up the process of writing and modifyingPython code, and to reduce the incidence of coding errors. Its features include:

Auto-completion in Wing'seditor, Python Shell and Debug Consolespeeds up typing and reduces coding errors. The auto-completer uses Tab by default forcompletion, but this can be changed in the Editor > Auto-completion > Completion Keys preference. Thisfeature is disabled by default in Wing 101. Details

Auto-indent in Wing Pro and Wing Personal matches the file's existing indentation.When multiple lines are pasted, they are re-indented according to context. A singleUndo reverts an unwanted indentation change. A selected range of code may bere-indented as a block using Indentation in the Source menu or the indentationtoolbar group. The Indentation tool may be used to converta whole file's indentation style. Details

Auto-Editing in Wing Pro implements a range of operations such as auto-enteringclosing parentheses, brackets, braces, and quotes. Among other things, Wing alsoauto-enters invocation arguments, manages new blocks with the : key, and correctsout-of-order typing. Auto-editing operations can be enabled and disabled in the Editor >Auto-editingpreferences group. The default set includes those operations that don't affect fingermemory. The others are well worth learning. Details

Refactoring operations in Wing Pro, accessed from the Refactoring menu, implementautomated renaming and moving of symbols, creating functions or methods out of existingcode, and introducing variables much more quickly than by manually editing code. Details

Multiple Selections can be made with MultipleSelections in the Edit menu, themultiple selections toolbar item, and by pressing Ctrl+Alt (or Command+Option onOS X) while making a selection with the mouse. Once multiple selections have been made,edits made will be applied to all the selections at once. Details

Code Warnings are shown in Wing Pro for syntax errors, indentation problems,unreachable code, use of undefined variables and attributes, unresolvable imports, andsome other problems. External checkers like pylint, pep8, and mypy may also be configuredas sources for the code warnings. Warnings are shown on the editor with details shownin a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the warning indicator. Warnings can be navigatedfrom the warnings menu in the top right of the editor and managed from the Code Warnings tool. Details

Snippets in Wing Pro are included in Wing's auto-completer as a quick way to entercommonly repeated patterns for coding standards, documentation, testing, and so forth.Data entry for snippet arguments is inline in the editor. Use the Tab key to movebetween the fields. Edit or add snippets in the Snippetstool. Details

Turbo Completion in Wing Pro is an optional auto-completion mode for Python, madepossible by Wing's powerful source analysis engine. When the Editor > Auto-completion >Python Turbo Modepreference is enabled, Wing turns every non-symbol key into a completion key in contextswhere a new symbol name is not being typed. Details

Quick Selection operations in the Edit>Select menu allow selecting wholestatements, blocks, or scopes before copying, editing, or searching through them. Details

Debugging Code

Wing's debugger is a powerful tool for finding and fixing bugs, understanding unfamiliarcode, and writing new code interactively. You can launch code from the Debug menu ortoolbar, from the Python Shell, or from outside of the IDEeither on the same machine or onanother host.

Breakpoints can be set by clicking on the breakpointmargin to the left of the editor. Stepping operations are inthe Debug menu and toolbar.

The Stack Data tool is used to inspect or changeprogram data.Right-click on items to display the item as an array or in textual form.Hovering the mouse over a symbol in the editor shows the valuefor that symbol in a tooltip, if available on the active debug stack.Pressing Shift-Space shows tooltips for all symbols visible in the editor.

Debug process I/O is shown in the Debug I/O tool, oroptionally in an external console. Bulk rename utility portable.

Other debugger features include:

Interactive Debugging is supported by Wing Pro's Debug Console, which provides a Python prompt that executes code inthe current debug stack frame. When the debugger is paused, Wing also uses the liveruntime state to populate the auto-completer in the editor, Source Assistant, goto-definition, and other tools. Details

Conditional Breakpoints can be used in Wing Pro to isolate and understand complex bugsby stopping before they occur. Using a conditional breakpoint to isolate a broken case andthe Debug Console to design a fix is far more productivethan relaunching code repeatedly. Details

Move Program Counter is supported by Wing Pro, by right-clicking in the editor andselecting MoveProgramCounterHere. Because of how Python is implemented, thisfeature works only in the innermost stack frame and it does not work when the debugger isstopped on an exception.

Watching Values in Wing Pro by right-clicking on the editor or any of the data viewstracks values over time by symbolic name or object reference in the Watch tool. Expressions can be also be watched.Details

Launch Configurations in the Project menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personaldefine different runtime environments for debugging, executing, and unit testing yourcode. Details.

Named Entry Points in the Debug menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal provide a wayto launch the same file with different debug environments. Details

Other Features

Wing Pro includes a number of other features designed to make Python codingeasier and more productive:

Python Shell -- Wing's Python Shell lets you tryout code in an independent sandbox process. To enable debugging, click the bug icon in thetop right of the PythonShell.In Wing Pro and Wing Personal, the shell provides auto-completion, goto-definition, and isintegrated with the Source Assistant.Details

Unit Testing in Wing Pro's Testing tool works withunittest, doctest, pytest, nose, and Django unit tests. You can run tests suites, view theresults, and debug tests. Details

Version Control in Wing Pro supports revision control with Mercurial, Git, Subversion,Perforce, Bazaar, and CVS. Wing auto-detects which systems are used in your project andshows the appropriate additional menus and tools in the Tools menu. Details.

Difference and Merge in the Source menu can be used to compare and merge files anddirectories on disk, files open in the IDE, an unsaved buffer with disk, and a workingcopy with its revision control repository. Details

Remote Development is easy in Wing Pro, to remote hosts, containers, or virtualmachines. Use the RemoteHosts item in the Project menu to configure a remotehost, then set the PythonExecutable in ProjectProperties to that remote host,and use AddExistingDirectory in the Project menu to add your remote directoriesto the project. Wing can edit, debug, test, search, inspect, and manage files, run thePython Shell, and execute OS Commands on the remote host in the same way as it does whenworking locally. Details

OS Commands in the Tools menu in Wing Pro and Wing Personal's displays the OSCommands tool, which execute external tools for build,code generation, and other purposes. Details.

Preferences in the Edit menu (or WingPro menu on OS X) gives youcontrol of the overall layout and color of the IDE, among many other options. Right clickon tool and editor tabs for layout options, or drag tabs to move them or create newsplits. Right-click on the toolbar to configure which tools are visible or to add yourown. See Customization for details.

Perspectives in Wing Pro and Wing Personal let you save named tool panel layouts.Details.

Other Features like bookmarks, code folding, keyboard macros are also available,and you can extend Wing by writing Python scripts.

Script Debugger 7

Further Reading

As you work with Wing Pro on your own software development projects, the followingresources may be useful:

  • Wing Support Website which includes a Q&A supportforum, mailing lists, documentation, links to social media, and other informationfor Wing users.
  • Wing Reference Manual which documents all the features in detail.
  • How-Tos with instructions for using Wing with third partyframeworks, applications, and tool, like Django, Jupyter, matplotlib, Autodesk Maya,Raspberry Pi, pygame, and many others.
  • Wing displays a useful tip at startup, to help you continue learning about the featureset over time. These are also accessible from Wing Tips inthe Help menu.

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